Буталсан болон хиймэл элс давуу тал. Химийн бодисын тодорхойлолт. Энэ 2 эмийн давуу тал нь хажуугийн нөлөө нь маш бага Arsenic /ˈɑrsɨnɪk/ is a chemical element with the symbol As It was first documented by Albertus Magnus in 1250 92 atomic number …
Junagarh Fort. Junagarh Fort is a major attraction in Bikaner. The fort was built in 1478 by Maharaja Rao Bika (after whom the city is called Bikaner); however the construction that we see now is of the time of Raja Rai Singh (1571-1611) and Karan Singh (1631-1639).