Rapid determination of Bond rod-mill work index by modeling … To calculate the Bond work index ( Wi) in a standard laboratory scale rod-mill, Bond derived the following equation: (1) W i = 62 P i 0.23 G i 0.625 10 P - 10 F kw h sh t where F is 80% passing size of original feed, P is 80% passing size of circuit product and Pi is the test-sieve size in μm [1].
usine de concassage de pierres high point nc. societe bodors mills. societe bodors mills mi' W f' societe bodors mills,TUBE MILLS Paul Louis Fobelets, Boitsfort, Belgium, Societe Anonyme Usines Emile gium, a company of Belgium, ing bodies upon rotation of the mill thereby raising them, to use in these sections grinding bodies the size …
Generally, the discharge from AG/SAG mills consists of one or both of the following components: slurry (water and finer particles) and pebbles (20-100 mm). Single stage AG/SAG mills have to handle large amounts of slurry as they are generally in closed circuit with classifiers whose circulating loads reach as high as 400-500%. The geometry …