Avoca Heights is next to Riverhorse Valley Estate that spans both East and West sides of the N2 and the main landmarks identifying the Estate are the 2 petro-ports, eThekwini Hospital and Heart Centre at the Queen Nandi Drive interchange; the main access and egress point to the Estate. THE Avoca landscape is set for a major change with the ...
Ар гүнтийн даваан дээр модон дунд газар зарна. 1,300,000 ₮. 0.5 м 2. Яргайтад зуслангийн байшин зарна. 25,000,000 ₮. Үйлчилгээний нөхцөл. [email protected]. (+976) 11-310025. Улаанбаатар хот, Чингэлтэй дүүрэг 2-р хороо ...