Cellulose isolation used a two-step sequential treatment involving peracetic acid (PA) (50 g dry EFB L −1 PA, 35 °C, 9 h) for initial delignification, and then alkaline peroxide (AP) (50 g delignified-EFB L −1 AP, 45 °C, 12 h). This treatment removed 91.5% of lignin in the original EFB fiber. Get Quote
The language of science is a means of communication in the field of science, teaching, and research. From the earliest days of science, scientific language and terminology have been used as important tools for understanding the world and advancing human and social development. In other words, science has always been the driving …
УЛААНБААТАР ХОТЫН ОРОН ЗАЙН ХУВЬСАЛ ӨӨРЧЛӨЛТ Б. Ундрааa, С. Амгаланb ШУТИС, БАС, Архитектурын салбар e-mail: undraa_137@yahoo, [email protected] Хураангуй Монгол улсын нийслэл Улаанбаатар хот нь хүн ам ихээр суурьшсан, хүн амын ...