Selling pedestrian railings and eco plates in bulk. 1. 500 x200h 80 #pedestrian _ road _ handrail - smooth surface because it is done with metal technology. - 1 pcs fence weight 18 kg. - 1 / Price 2200 ₮ / VAT, transportation not included / 2. 400 x400h 80 paving #eco _ plate. - designed to put pedestrian and slope textures. - smooth surface because it is …
edco 57200 7 инчийн турбо нунтаглагч бетон нунтаглагч. EDCO 57100 TMC-7,5.5H Turbo Gas Floor Grinder: Edco 58956 TL-9 Dust Ring: EDCO 72029 7" Diamond Cupwheel, Dry - Hard bond: Edco 72030 7" Diamond 40-50 Grit Cup Wheel TMC units Your Price: $199.93: Edco 72031 7" Diamond 150 Grit Cup Wheel TMC units: Edco 72034 Quick …
Бетон нунтаглагчийг хэрхэн зөв ашиглах вэ. Correct use method and steps of concrete grinder In order to improve the flatness and finish of the cast-in-situ concrete surface of outdoor floor, pavement, ground, floor and roof, some construction units will use concrete polisher for mechanical polishing, so as to improve the flatness and fini...