хүйтэн цувих вандан машин. Хүйтэн цувисан ган ороомгийн бөөний худалдаа. Product Details Thickness is 0.1-8mm Width is 600-2 000mm The length of the steel plate is 1 200-6 000mm Grades: Q195A-Q235A, Q195AF-Q235AF, Q295A(B)-Q345 A(B); SPCC, SPCD, SPCE, ST12-15; DC01-06 DC01-DC06 CR220IF HC340LA 590DP 220P1 CR220BH …
shell trunnion mounted ball mill. difference between shell trunnion mounted ball mill. difference between shell trunnion mounted ball mill Ball, Rod, and Tube Mills I. often difficult in view of the number of different makes on the market, The mill shell is lined on the inside with 1 to 3inch chilled, mounted on a countershaft parallel with the long axis of the mill, …
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