ECO Soil Co.,LTD. HX270 utilizes the most advanced real-time optical 3D belt surface scanning for both belt sides. High-speed precise scanning with novel 3D image analysis algorithms guarantee robust, real-time and fully automated belt damage detection and belt thickness measurement up to 10 m/s of belt speed and up to 2.4 meters of belt width.
ХАЯГ: Баянгол дүүргийн 25-р хороо, Баруун үйлдвэрийн 133 гудамж, Барловорлд Монголиа ХХК-ийн барилга, ш/х-26 Утас: +976 7018-7588 Факс: +976 7018-7587 И-мэйл: [email protected]