From agglomeration to thermal processing, we offer a variety of testing options for every step of bulk solids process design. The FEECO Innovation Center is a state-of-the-art testing facility where we can test both agglomeration and thermal processes at batch and pilot scale to assist in your R&D efforts. Testing in the FEECO Innovation Center ...
FEECO International – Corporate Headquarters. 3913 Algoma Road. Green Bay, WI 54311-9707 USA. Phone: 920-468-1000. Toll Free: (800) 373-9347. Fax: 920-469-5110. Contact a FEECO expert for a quote or additional information on process equipment, process development services, and parts & service support.
Single Leaf Seal Relative Leakage << 3.0% to 5.0%. Double Leaf Seal Relative Leakage << 1.0% to 3.0%. The single leaf seal (shown) is the seal of choice to minimize the leakage of air into the dryer or kiln. Limiting leakage reduces fuel consumption and can result in a capacity increase. The seal consists of a series of overlapping spring steel ...
Pelletizing is a particle size enlargement (agglomeration) technique frequently used to transform the handling and performance characteristics of bulk solids. Pelletizing can be used to eliminate dust, control active ingredient release properties, improve application, and more. Note: While the term "pelletizing" is frequently used to ...
Since 1951, FEECO has been designing and supplying custom rotary cool-ers for industries around the world. Whether you're looking for a single piece of equipment, or a complete system including the necessary ex-haust gas handling and material handling equipment, we can offer you. customized solution, tailored to your processing needs.
Conditioning drums are used throughout a number of industries to de-dust and/or polish materials, combine liquid additives with a solid feedstock, and improve material handling characteristics. They are also the device of choice for reagentizing potash in the froth flotation process. These robust drums work by tumbling material in a rotating ...
The pin mixer is a horizontal continuous mixer. Also known as a pin agglomerator, the pin mixer offers greater material densification than a disc pelletizer, and typically requires less binder. Whether you are conditioning a material, de-dusting, or micro-pelletizing it, our custom pin mixers are a preferred choice.
This week's photo shows three generations of FEECO's founding family: the Madigans. From left to right is Brian, Jim, Justin, and Dan Madigan. Jim founded FEECO in 1951, and his son, Dan, serves as FEECO's current president. Both of Dan's sons, Brian and Justin, are employed at FEECO, Brian as the Director of Business Development and ...